Duplicity backs directories by producing encrypted tar-format volumes

and uploading them to a remote or local file server.

Firstly, enable two important repo

Enable two important repo for CentOS 5

Secondly, install Duplicity

$sudo yum install -y duplicity

Finally, Use it.

$duplicity –help

Following is a short tutorial


#I already put the keys in master.linuxdict.com, so I don’t need a password here.

$duplicity test/ scp://root@master.linuxdict.com/tmp

GnuPG passphrase:

Local and Remote metadata are synchronized, no sync needed.

Last full backup date: none

No signatures found, switching to full backup.

————–[ Backup Statistics ]————–

StartTime 1269593213.36 (Fri Mar 26 02:46:53 2010)

EndTime 1269593213.67 (Fri Mar 26 02:46:53 2010)

ElapsedTime 0.31 (0.31 seconds)

SourceFiles 3

SourceFileSize 3060258 (2.92 MB)

NewFiles 3

NewFileSize 3060258 (2.92 MB)

DeletedFiles 0

ChangedFiles 0

ChangedFileSize 0 (0 bytes)

ChangedDeltaSize 0 (0 bytes)

DeltaEntries 3

RawDeltaSize 3056162 (2.91 MB)

TotalDestinationSizeChange 3067132 (2.93 MB)

Errors 0


# On master.linuxdict.com

$ls ~/tmp/




$file tmp/duplicity-full.20100326T084637Z.vol1.difftar.gpg

tmp/duplicity-full.20100326T084637Z.vol1.difftar.gpg: DOS executable (COM)

# so others can’t easily copy it. 🙂

# Other useful command

# backup incrementally

$duplicity incr test/ scp://root@master.linuxdict.com/tmp

# check the files that has been backuped.

$duplicity list-current-files scp://root@master.linuxdict.com/tmp

# Restore all the backup

$duplicity restore scp://root@master.linuxdict.com/tmp

# Restore only the file we need

$duplicity restore –file-to-restore wiki_import-1.1.tgz scp://root@master.linuxdict.com/tmp /root/wiki_import-1.1.tgz

More details:

RTFM 🙂 and http://www.nongnu.org/duplicity/ (offical site)