Solution: how to use perl convert XLSX to csv
We need xls2csv and Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX
get xls2csv from cpan
Make modification on xls2csv
add option -t means type. xls or xlsx.
< getopts(‘x:b:t:c:a:qshvWw:n:f’, \%O); </p>
## replace the old Book declare with following:
< my $Book;
< if ($O{'t'})
< {
< my $Parser = Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX->new;
< my $Formatter = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtUnicode->new(Unicode_Map => $SourceCharset);
< $Book = $Parser->parse($XLS, $Formatter) || die "Can't read spreadsheet!";
< }
< else {
< $Book = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Workbook->Parse($XLS, $Formatter) || die "Can't read spreadsheet!\n";
< }
then you can use following commands to convert xlsx
xls2csv -x "formate2007.xlsx" -t xlsx -c "newfomart.csv"